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"Jesus can walk on water, but can he swim on land?" - Bo Burnham


Explaning myself

Just because I'm creatively Sarcastic and this blog is titled "accidently laughing at something that's serious" doesn't mean I can't make serious posts once in a while.

Educate Yourself

Just so you know, if you were brought up to hate Jews because you were told their book says that they are here to dominate the world and make you their slaves, maybe you should take a second look because this is the same book that started Christianity and Launched Catholicism while also distributing the muslim faith worldwide. This book also says that if your marriage is dysfunctional to live with it. It says "these are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep (last time I checked there are none in Florida)." It isn't the religions that are causing mass genocide, it's groups of people in the religions that interpret it in that fashion. We are all humans, whether a boy or girl, short or tall, black or white with some shades in between, gay or straight, meat eater or vegetarian or even vegan; we are all human. I think it's time we stop following guidelines for hate from a book written twenty-five hundred years ago because most of the things written in this book do not pertain to the modern life of today. They pertain towards a different life from over a millenium ago. We live in a time where we need peace because one more war could tear us apart. It's easy to hate when our elders tell us to, but these are not our battles to fight. If we don't find David soon, Goliath will destroy the world. I mean seriously does it take more than a thousand metaphors to realize maybe we shouldn't be such jerks.  I think it's time we realized peace is an option, if we stopped pointing guns at each other, stop nit picking over land (maybe even sharing it fairly), and stop revolving our lives over oil that is. Somehow we've chosen destroy ourselves over fossil fuels, how sad? Very! The fact that we care more about currency then morals and ethics, how sad? Very! I have faith in the human race, but it's going to take a lot to build back what we've already destroyed. The only way to do that is by working together. It's time for a new age religion, one that stands for peace, equal rights, and freedom. Ladies and Gentlemen this religion already exists, it's called "Humanity."